Consumption,  Letting go

What can you easily live without?

What can you easily live without?

Over the years, as I began to minimize the amount of stuff we had in our home, to live a more simple life with less, I would often ask this question of myself … what could I live without?

I started to notice what I bought that I no longer needed, used or wanted? I wondered … Was there a reason I continued to buy this stuff? Was it because everyone else had one? Was it advertising and marketing that made me think my life would better with that thing?

Did I think it would make me happier, more fulfilled and fit in better?

And, what about other obligations in life? I realized those mattered, too.

Over time, as I pared and whittled down the amount of stuff we had, my answer to this question changed. I noticed more and more often, I could do without something that I used to regularly buy.

I reduced how much makeup I wore. Simplified my hairstyle and wardrobe. And, stopped going to events and gatherings I didn’t enjoy.

How about for you? What could you easily do without?


A couple of ideas for you to consider! My personal favorite at the end — (short 1 min video)


Is it time to ask for help? Could you use someone to hold your hand as you dive into something you have put off, set aside, or dreaded doing?

Let me hold your hand, virtually that is, to help you get it done. To make a dent in the overwhelm. To let go of that which needs to go. AND, to keep what truly is meant to be kept.

Short focused virtual sessions

15 to 30 minutes in length


Are you ready? Willing?
Desire support and guidance?  

(Click here to email me)

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Since March of 1998, Joan has helped women and couples make a difference in their money lives, physical environments and internal selves. Her approach has been, and continues to be, threefold … practical, emotional, and spiritual. She knows that it takes all three to truly make a shift in life, especially around money, clutter, and other untidy areas of life.