
  • Change,  Journey,  Letting go,  Musings,  Triggers

    What makes you cranky?

    The minutes ticked by. The “on-hold” music played on and on in an endless, repetitive loop. I waited patiently at first. However, the promised 2-minute wait time turned into 10 or 15. As the minutes ticked by, I gritted my teeth with impatience, irritated by the lack of customer service and the waste of my precious time. Finally, a representative answered, only to be told they needed to transfer me to another department. And so, the wait time and hold music began again. This particular call was to resolve an issue with a bank. Over and over again, I had to repeat the same story and explanation, only to be transferred…

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  • Decluttering,  Letting go,  Musings,  Simplifying,  Triggers,  Wellness

    Are you getting sucked in?

    Where are you getting sucked in? I want pizza. Two minutes ago, I wasn’t even thinking about pizza, yet now I want it. I desperately must have it. I can taste it—my mouth waters. The deliciousness of it is so real. The thick crust, oozy melting cheese, and the chewy juicy meat on top. Oh, especially pepperoni! Is it too late to have pizza? What time is it? Can I still get pizza? Where will I get it? Do I have the makings of it in my kitchen? I must have it now! But wait, my reasonable, rational side of me argues back! You don’t eat pizza anymore. Remember, you…

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  • Cherished Items,  Decluttering,  Journey,  Letting go,  Musings,  Simplifying,  Storage Space,  Triggers

    It takes courage – and big deep breaths!

    It takes courage … and a big deep breath! The mountain seemed massive and steep. The summit, the peak I wished to reach, was far off in the distance. There were no switchbacks to make the climb easier. It appeared to be an endless uphill climb. I hadn’t prepared or trained for this climb, let alone be able to reach the ultimate peak—the peak I truly wanted to reach. It made me sweaty, gasping for breath with my heart pounding a mile a minute. I almost gave up before I began. Who was I kidding? But then I reminded myself I’ve done this before and made it to the top.…

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  • Cherished Items,  Decluttering,  Journey,  Letting go,  Musings,  Simplifying,  Storage Space,  Tidying,  Triggers

    Are you frozen in overwhelm?

    Are you frozen in overwhelm? Oh no! You’ve got to be kidding. Another box? How is it possible there’s yet another box? I thought I’d handled all of them, yet there it was on the shelf. A shelf that usually doesn’t store this sort of thing. How did it end up there? It must have gotten shoved in whatever open space was available just to get it out of the way – not to mention out of mind. In this case, it had been out of my mind for two years! What box is this for which I refer? A “hidden” box that went unnoticed and forgotten since my Mom…

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  • Change,  Consumption,  Diet,  Journey,  Letting go,  Musings,  Triggers,  Wellness

    Are you ready to tidy up your diet?

    Are you ready to tidy up your diet? I certainly was. And yet…  Are you ready to give up cheese? She asked. Who me? Give up cheese. You’ve got to be kidding. Doesn’t she realize I’m a born and bred Wisconsin girl, the meat and dairy state? Cheese is like my lifeblood, a way of life; it was in almost everything I ate. Surely she was kidding. Hadn’t I already given up so many other things? I no longer ate gluten, drank milk, or ate ice cream or corn. I even gave up two of my favorite foods – bread and crackers. Two items I thought I’d never give up.…

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  • Change,  Consumption,  Decluttering,  Letting go,  Musings,  Simplifying,  Triggers

    It always looks worse before it gets better

    Wreak Havoc Wednesday!  Why did I name Wednesday “wreak havoc”? Because we genuinely don’t realize when we begin to declutter that it always looks worse before it gets better. I know that can be discouraging, overwhelming, and maybe a show-stopper. It does help to remind yourself before you begin that, in most instances, it does look worse before it gets better. However, it will get better if you keep going! I hope you enjoy my wreak havoc story as I share my husband’s and my journey with wreaking havoc before it got better! You might be entertained by what my husband calls his “hell box.” I share what it is about halfway through the video. Just so you…

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  • Change,  Cherished Items,  Decluttering,  Journey,  Letting go,  Musings,  Self-Care,  Simplifying,  Tidying,  Triggers

    Do you display or use your keepsakes?

    Do you display or use your keepsakes? I have a beautiful keepsake that I cherish and have kept. It is one of the few meaningful things I intentionally have hung onto. Having curated and let go of so many other keepsake items over the years. This cherished keepsake is a voicemail message from my Mom singing Happy Birthday to You. Less than a month later, in October 2020, she passed away. Her voice was rough and scratchy as she sang, yet it was music to my ears, especially now that she’s gone. I listened to that beautiful message on my birthday in 2021 and will do so again this year.…

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  • Change,  Journey,  Musings,  Self-Care,  Triggers

    Is it time to give up labels?

    Is it time to give up labels?  For years I have labeled myself a control freak and perfectionist. It’s not something for which I am proud. However, it is something that I had come to believe about myself, proven repeatedly by my behavior.  I don’t believe I was born that way. I came to this world as an innocent infant. But it has been a lifetime of human experiences that have led me to behave as I do. As well as others would perceive me as such.  Don’t get me wrong. I take responsibility for my behavior. I’m aware that it was often not pretty and frequently backfired on me, with results far…

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  • Journey,  Letting go,  Musings,  Obstacles,  Self-Care,  Triggers,  Worry

    Do you need a release valve?

    Do you need a release valve?  How often have you let things build up inside you; and say nothing? You tell yourself it’s no big deal, not worth saying or doing anything about it, or it feels unimportant. But is it unimportant? For us women, although I’ll speak from my own experience, the minor, little annoyances, comments, or flippant remarks can set me off. What may appear to someone else as no big deal feels like a big deal for me.  At first, I’ll shrug it off and tell myself it’s petty and I need to keep my mouth shut. I’ll hear my Mom’s words loud and clear – “Don’t…

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  • Change,  Letting go,  Obstacles,  Self-Care,  Simplifying,  Triggers

    I got triggered, and it wasn’t pretty!

    I got triggered, and it wasn’t pretty! How often have you gotten triggered? You know, that which touches something that sets you off. It could be something seriously traumatic or small and petty. It doesn’t matter which it was, does it? At that moment, it simply triggered you. You may not even know what it is that set the bomb off – something ticking behind the scenes unknown to your conscious self. However, when the fuse gets lit, off it goes. Or, better said, off you go! Many of us are confused or embarrassed by the emotion that erupts, especially volatile anger or rage. It can be pretty disturbing what may come out of…

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