
  • Journey,  Letting go,  Musings,  Obstacles,  Self-Care,  Triggers,  Worry

    Do you need a release valve?

    Do you need a release valve?  How often have you let things build up inside you; and say nothing? You tell yourself it’s no big deal, not worth saying or doing anything about it, or it feels unimportant. But is it unimportant? For us women, although I’ll speak from my own experience, the minor, little annoyances, comments, or flippant remarks can set me off. What may appear to someone else as no big deal feels like a big deal for me.  At first, I’ll shrug it off and tell myself it’s petty and I need to keep my mouth shut. I’ll hear my Mom’s words loud and clear – “Don’t…

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  • Change,  Journey,  Letting go,  Musings,  Self-Care,  Worry

    Why did I think I was dumb?

    Why did I think I was dumb? We all do it, tell ourselves stories. We live in our stories every day and make decisions from them, whether true or not. We believe what we tell ourselves, especially after living in a story most of our lives. Like childhood ones. “We craft a narrative, a story, as children, then drag it into adulthood,” says Ian Morgan Cron, author of The Story of You. And, we live as if it is still the truth for us and “become a prisoner to our story.” I wondered, “Was it possible the stories I was telling myself are stale and no longer valid? Have they been holding me prisoner?” After all,…

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  • Letting go,  Musings,  Self-Care,  Worry

    Does worry solve anything?

    Does worry solve anything? Crazy question, I know, since within the question is the obvious answer. Of course, worry doesn’t solve a thing, does it? Instead, it just makes us anxious, fretful, and more worried, not less. Yet, the reality is that we still worry, don’t we? We fret, stew, and dwell upon the issue until it nearly drives us mad! I know this one well. I’ve spent my life worrying about things. You name it; I’ve worried myself into sleepless nights, anxiety attacks, and migraine headaches, just to name a few outcomes. More than I care to admit, I’ve spent more days and nights mulling over the issue, problem, or concern. But, the…

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