
  • Change,  Consumption,  Decluttering,  Letting go,  Musings,  Obstacles,  Self-Care,  Tidying

    Is there a connection between diet, health, & clutter?

    Did you know there is a connection between your diet, your health, and your clutter? Most folks think of one thing, and one thing only, when I say the word clutter. They think of their stuff. All their piles, jammed up closets, chock-full garages, unfiled papers, and excess stuff! Their minds and emotions swirl when just the word “clutter” is uttered. Up comes every emotion possible, from guilt, shame, overwhelm, and anger to denial, justification, excuses, and protestation. Sometimes those emotions motivate us to clean it up and clear it out. Most times, it shuts us down, and we avoid it. We tell ourselves we’ll do it another day. Or that it’s not that bad,…

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  • Journey,  Letting go,  Musings,  Obstacles,  Self-Care,  Triggers,  Worry

    Do you need a release valve?

    Do you need a release valve?  How often have you let things build up inside you; and say nothing? You tell yourself it’s no big deal, not worth saying or doing anything about it, or it feels unimportant. But is it unimportant? For us women, although I’ll speak from my own experience, the minor, little annoyances, comments, or flippant remarks can set me off. What may appear to someone else as no big deal feels like a big deal for me.  At first, I’ll shrug it off and tell myself it’s petty and I need to keep my mouth shut. I’ll hear my Mom’s words loud and clear – “Don’t…

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  • Change,  Letting go,  Obstacles,  Self-Care,  Simplifying,  Triggers

    I got triggered, and it wasn’t pretty!

    I got triggered, and it wasn’t pretty! How often have you gotten triggered? You know, that which touches something that sets you off. It could be something seriously traumatic or small and petty. It doesn’t matter which it was, does it? At that moment, it simply triggered you. You may not even know what it is that set the bomb off – something ticking behind the scenes unknown to your conscious self. However, when the fuse gets lit, off it goes. Or, better said, off you go! Many of us are confused or embarrassed by the emotion that erupts, especially volatile anger or rage. It can be pretty disturbing what may come out of…

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  • Change,  Journey,  Musings,  Obstacles,  Self-Care

    What is the flat tire in your life?

    What is the flat tire in your life? You get a flat tire. And, of course, it usually happens at the most inconvenient, unexpected, and untimely times – Maybe even dangerous at high speeds on the highway. Not precisely the opportunity you were looking for, yet, it certainly got your attention, didn’t it? Not to mention it became the highest priority to handle. Ever wonder why it took a flat tire to get your attention? And, what about other events or experiences in life that took something significant, maybe even extreme, to get your attention? It reminds me of my desktop computer. My hubby and I knew we needed to replace it, yet, we…

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  • Change,  Letting go,  Musings,  Obstacles,  Self-Care

    How many warning signs did you get?

    How many warning signs did you get? Ever wonder why you didn’t know something would happen to you? Did it take you by surprise and catch you off guard? Maybe you assumed or believed it was an unexpected event or outcome with no way for you to have known? What if that isn’t true? What if you got many warning signs and signals but didn’t pick up on them? Signs that something was about to happen, to manifest in your life. Yet, you didn’t connect the dots that would connect the warning signs and signals to the eventual outcome. In other words, you could not associate one idea with another and connect the salient features…

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  • Change,  Musings,  Obstacles,  Self-Care

    Don’t tell me what to do!

    Don’t tell me what to do! I don’t know about you, but I detest being told what to do. It brings out the resistant child within me. Even if it would be helpful or valuable, I’ll find myself instantly put off. Of course, it certainly depends on how it is delivered, whether it raises the hackles on the back of my neck or not. However, if it was unsolicited advice, my instantaneous reaction is — “No, thank you!” The guidance, of course, is meant to be for your good. In their opinion, that is. And, these days, it is usually oriented to think positive, be thankful, forgive, and see whatever life has handed you…

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  • Musings,  Obstacles,  Self-Care

    Is it time to stop apologizing and explaining?

    Is it time to stop apologizing and explaining? Have you ever apologized for something even when it is not your fault? Or for something you had nothing to do with, such as when someone on the street blasts into you and you apologize to them. How about those times when someone is rude or unkind, and you apologize?  What about when you explain why you feel a certain way or cannot do what someone requested of you? Maybe unsolicited advice that you are supposed to follow but do not wish to follow. Do you find yourself explaining and most likely apologizing for why you cannot, or do not, want to do what…

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  • Change,  Decluttering,  Journey,  Letting go,  Obstacles,  Self-Care,  Simplifying

    The Control Freak Lets Go of Control

    The Control Freak Lets Go of Control Impossible, I think, to let go of control. How will my world go on spinning if I don’t take charge and make it happen? Certainly, things won’t get done. Life will fall apart. No one will do what they said they would do. I religiously make my daily “to-do” list and proceed to push myself each day to complete it, no matter what it takes.  No matter how long my day must go. To give me a sense of accomplishment. A sense of success. And, of course, to convince me that I am in control. Even those items that require others in my…

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  • Change,  Decluttering,  Journey,  Letting go,  Obstacles,  Self-Care,  Simplifying,  Tidying

    Does tidying up and decluttering truly set you free?

    Does tidying up and decluttering truly set you free? This question is a powerful one. Something that many professionals and experts in the field suggest is the outcome of decluttering. However, is that true? Does tidying up and decluttering truly set you free? For those looking for a comforting promise, my answer may be discouraging or frustrating. We are a culture looking for assurances and guarantees.  We have come to believe that all we need to do is to take specific action steps and the promised goal is ours. Such as take this pill and you’ll feel better. Have a headache, depression, or stomach upset, here’s the answer. Clean up your home…

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  • Change,  Obstacles,  Self-Care

    What does self-care truly mean?

    The buzzword of the day … self-care. Tossed around by many as if there is a central set definition. As if everyone agrees to what it means. Yet, ask a dozen people how they define self-care and the descriptions are as different as night is from day. Although most would agree self-care is important, those same folks, if asked, will tell you they don’t practice self-care regularly, if at all. Even the term brings on trepidation and pushback. We either feel shame and guilt over the lack of self-care or we resist doing so since it feels selfish and self-absorbed to care for ourselves. As if by doing so we…

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