Paper Tidying

  • Change,  Decluttering,  Letting go,  Paper Tidying,  Tidying

    Do I have more debt because I have clutter?

    Do you have more debt because you have clutter? Does clearing one really make a difference in the other? I have been counseling people on money matters for almost twenty-five years, and over those years, I have noticed a common thread that flows through them all. It is not hidden or even a secret. In fact, it is clearly obvious, especially to those who stop a moment and look around. It hides in our struggles with money. It keeps us awake at night and causes us to do self-defeating behaviors. It gets our attention when we have unfulfilled wants or needs, an inability to save, an unexpected expense with no…

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  • Decluttering,  Paper Tidying,  Simplifying,  Tidying

    Help! I’m drowning in paper!

    NOTE: This is a popular article I repeat every so often since paper clutter is a biggie! What do you need to keep and what you can toss is a question I get asked frequently. Help! I’m drowning in paper! Do I really need to keep it all?  You want me to do what with all that paper? I’m supposed to do what? File? Organize? You must be kidding. There are mountains of it and just the thought gives me hives. And, even if I decided to waste away a lovely Saturday afternoon on such a soul-sucking chore, what in the world do I keep anyway? What do I toss? Everything seems…

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  • Paper Tidying

    Help! I’m drowning in paper! Do I really need to keep that?

    You want me to do what with all that paper? I’m supposed to do what? File? Organize? You must be kidding. There are mountains of it and just the thought gives me hives. And, even if I did decide to waste away a lovely Saturday afternoon on such a soul-sucking chore, what in the world do I keep anyway? What do I toss? Everything seems important. Certainly some expert somewhere has said keep it. What if I get audited? Oh but wait, many of those piles are things I wish to read someday. You know, magazines I haven’t read or articles on projects I want to do. I wouldn’t want…

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