Change,  Musings,  Self-Care

The Super Full Moon says Time to Tidy Up!

What’s the message from the super full buck moon? 

Are you fascinated by the moon’s cycles and how they affect us human souls walking on this planet? How the planets’ movement and the universe’s energy make a difference in our daily energy! It is incredible and miraculous, yet, we often do not realize this impact.

How is this helpful, you may wonder? Only you know for sure, that is, if you are attentive to and aware of the life energy that pulses through you. And what affects your life energy and what does not.

For those who wish to tune in more, here’s the message the Super Full Buck Moon has for us? In a nutshell, “on July 13, la Luna moves into ambitious Capricorn,” and this “pragmatic earth sign is igniting our ambition and fine-tuning self-discipline.” (, July 2022 Full Buck Moon) 

For me as a Libra, and anyone else who has a Libra birth sign, here’s the message this moon has for us: “You may feel an urgency to knock off your goals, BUT right now, Libra’s inner world and home life need some tidying up!”

How appropriate is that for this “tidy up gal?” It made me laugh out loud.

Wasn’t I already focused on this daily, in my inner world and home life? I paused to ponder where I would benefit from this full supermoon’s guidance. Instead of ignoring it as if it did not apply to me, what if it did?

But, how does it apply to me? And, maybe it applies to you too, whether you are a Libra or not.

Here’s what came forth as I pondered the message. One simple fact of life that I share with my readers and clients is that tidying up is never done. Whether we accept this fact or not, it is an ongoing thing in our lives, which means that I, too, am never done!

Does that mean you must be in a cleaning frenzy every day or every moment? Or that you are supposed to have your environment and inner life in perfect order all the time? Indeed not.

I once had someone say they wanted to see my house since she believed my home was all in perfect order. After all, wasn’t I the tidy-up gal who was the tour guide for others on this journey? In full disclosure, I used to believe I needed everything in perfect order to guide someone else until I got a reality check that I did not need to be perfect to teach others.

All I needed was the human experience everyone else has had on this journey and the passion for sharing the tools that worked for me. Not to mention the areas where I stumbled, recovered, and kept going.

As the saying goes – you only fail if you give up!

And, with determination, I refused to give up. Daily I recommit to this journey to live in a way that embraces simplicity and sustainability.

Each step has opened my eyes to the freedom, peace, and calm on the other side of clutter, excess stuff, too many obligations, the expectations of others, unhealthy relationships, and busyness.

My calendar freed up, as did my environment. My closets, drawers, and cupboards were emptied and stayed that way. I removed excess furniture and objects from my house, which became more open and spacious. My walls had less hanging upon them. Table tops and flat surfaces had nothing upon them or were reduced to an item or two.

I narrowed down relationships to a few who were supportive and loving. Daily to-do lists went bye-bye, a habit I had for most of my life. Likewise, goals and attachment to outcomes went bye-bye.

My diet changed drastically to a total commitment to plant-based eating. My body guided me, and I listened. It told me if I ate something that didn’t sit well, I did my best to listen.

Did these life changes come quickly or easily? Definitely not. Although again, in full disclosure, a life-threatening cancer diagnosis (twice) was a huge motivation.

However, that does not mean you must have a diagnosis or significant trauma in your life to make these shifts. It begins with a decision followed by a continued commitment to that decision. Over and over again.

Does this sound too difficult or challenging? I suppose for some, it could be, yet perhaps that is an excuse that stops you. It prevents you from coming out the other side to freedom and spaciousness.

What if it opened the doorway to more fun, pleasure, and delight? I know it has done that for me.

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Since March of 1998, Joan has helped women and couples make a difference in their money lives, physical environments and internal selves. Her approach has been, and continues to be, threefold … practical, emotional, and spiritual. She knows that it takes all three to truly make a shift in life, especially around money, clutter, and other untidy areas of life.