
  • Change,  Journey,  Musings,  Self-Care,  Triggers

    Is it time to give up labels?

    Is it time to give up labels?  For years I have labeled myself a control freak and perfectionist. It’s not something for which I am proud. However, it is something that I had come to believe about myself, proven repeatedly by my behavior.  I don’t believe I was born that way. I came to this world as an innocent infant. But it has been a lifetime of human experiences that have led me to behave as I do. As well as others would perceive me as such.  Don’t get me wrong. I take responsibility for my behavior. I’m aware that it was often not pretty and frequently backfired on me, with results far…

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  • Change,  Journey,  Letting go,  Musings

    Have you given up already?

    Have you given up already? Could it be time to get honest with yourself? January is the biggest month for goal setting — for all of our annual resolutions. As we turned the page on our calendar to the new year, we told ourselves that we would accomplish them this year. This year would be different, we said confidently, as we set off with determination. This year we would turn over a new leaf, and most definitely, we would fulfill the promises we made to ourselves. Yet, according to Uncluttered Simplicity, “… on average, only 8% of people actually keep their New Year’s resolutions. Each and every January, we make pie-in-the-sky…

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  • Change,  Letting go,  Obstacles,  Self-Care,  Simplifying,  Triggers

    I got triggered, and it wasn’t pretty!

    I got triggered, and it wasn’t pretty! How often have you gotten triggered? You know, that which touches something that sets you off. It could be something seriously traumatic or small and petty. It doesn’t matter which it was, does it? At that moment, it simply triggered you. You may not even know what it is that set the bomb off – something ticking behind the scenes unknown to your conscious self. However, when the fuse gets lit, off it goes. Or, better said, off you go! Many of us are confused or embarrassed by the emotion that erupts, especially volatile anger or rage. It can be pretty disturbing what may come out of…

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  • Change,  Journey,  Musings,  Obstacles,  Self-Care

    What is the flat tire in your life?

    What is the flat tire in your life? You get a flat tire. And, of course, it usually happens at the most inconvenient, unexpected, and untimely times – Maybe even dangerous at high speeds on the highway. Not precisely the opportunity you were looking for, yet, it certainly got your attention, didn’t it? Not to mention it became the highest priority to handle. Ever wonder why it took a flat tire to get your attention? And, what about other events or experiences in life that took something significant, maybe even extreme, to get your attention? It reminds me of my desktop computer. My hubby and I knew we needed to replace it, yet, we…

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  • Change,  Cherished Items,  Decluttering,  Letting go,  Musings,  Simplifying,  Tidying

    Did you expect the new year to change your life?

    Okay, so you turned the page on your 2021 calendar to a new year – to 2022. Finally, the clock strikes midnight, and a new year appears. With this simple action, the flip of the calendar from one day to the next comes so much hope. Hope that this year will be better or the things we wish to have or want will come true. Much emphasis, expectations, and desires are placed upon this one simple action of one day changing into another and, along with it, marking a new year. To ring in that new year, we perform rituals, enjoy celebrations, make new vision boards, and write long lists…

  • Change,  Letting go,  Musings,  Obstacles,  Self-Care

    How many warning signs did you get?

    How many warning signs did you get? Ever wonder why you didn’t know something would happen to you? Did it take you by surprise and catch you off guard? Maybe you assumed or believed it was an unexpected event or outcome with no way for you to have known? What if that isn’t true? What if you got many warning signs and signals but didn’t pick up on them? Signs that something was about to happen, to manifest in your life. Yet, you didn’t connect the dots that would connect the warning signs and signals to the eventual outcome. In other words, you could not associate one idea with another and connect the salient features…

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  • Change,  Journey,  Letting go,  Musings,  Self-Care,  Worry

    Why did I think I was dumb?

    Why did I think I was dumb? We all do it, tell ourselves stories. We live in our stories every day and make decisions from them, whether true or not. We believe what we tell ourselves, especially after living in a story most of our lives. Like childhood ones. “We craft a narrative, a story, as children, then drag it into adulthood,” says Ian Morgan Cron, author of The Story of You. And, we live as if it is still the truth for us and “become a prisoner to our story.” I wondered, “Was it possible the stories I was telling myself are stale and no longer valid? Have they been holding me prisoner?” After all,…

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  • Change,  Letting go,  Musings,  Self-Care

    I don’t want to!

    I don’t want to! How many times I’ve heard myself say this. Not out loud, but in my head – Clearly and loudly. And yet, I’d convince myself it wasn’t an appropriate response or reason. How often I have done this – overridden this clear guidance. Instead, I would adjust it to be more appropriate, expected, or socially responsible. At least from what I perceived the situation required of me. In recent years, I have become more discerning of a request, invite, or obligation. I would ask myself – is it reasonable or not? Do I wish to participate or not? Why would I agree or not? Often the internal answer I heard was pure,…

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  • Change,  Musings,  Self-Care

    I used to hate this!

    I used to hate this! Hate! Such a powerful word, isn’t it? It instantly brings up images, thoughts, or feelings of horror, nastiness, and hostility. Yet, I cannot deny that I have felt hate more often than I wish to admit. “Yes, I have felt hate.” So, what was it, exactly, that I hated?  Initially, I thought about those things on the lighter side of hate if there is such a thing as a softer side!   I hated brussel sprouts. Just the smell of brussels cooking made me never want to eat them, ever! And, lest we forget, the nasty smell left behind permeating the entire house – like something…

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  • Change,  Decluttering,  Letting go,  Musings,  Self-Care

    Do you have uninvited guests?

    Do you have uninvited guests? The other evening, homeowners in my development and Corporal Dickson from our local police department met on Zoom. Several homeowners have been concerned with the uptick of crimes in our area, so, with the guidance of a local police official, we set up a neighborhood watch program. Much was discussed about neighborhood watch logistics, the best way to stay connected with our neighbors, and how to report relevant issues to the police. Additionally, Corporal Dickson shared the crime stats for our specific development for the last three months. The crime stat that hit my funny bone (not that crime is funny) was the “uninvited guest” report. I…

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